Hugh was one of the most important influences in my life. Back in 1968, still working on my PhD, I submitted a short 10page paper to the BJPS – Hugh the editor sent it back saying not good enough but go and look at some of these references – I did and a month later resubmitted a now 30 page paper – Hugh wrote back and said “not there yet but getting there” — he accepted my final version and it was published and I was on my way! I have always looked back on that paper with pride – more, I learnt so much about how senior people in the field have an obligation to reach out to junior people – I learnt to be a philosopher over the next ten years – and I have always tried to emulate Hugh — I was editor for 15 years of the journal I founded, Biology and Philosophy, and there was never an issue when I did not try to follow in Hugh’s footsteps – I revere his memory.
Michael Ruse, Department of Philosophy, Florida State University